Three ideas came together as my starting point in this series : firstly, my desire to explore the use of sinuous, curved lines ( rather than shape ); secondly, thoughts of integration; and thirdly, to create an impression of landscape. The design is a metaphor of my hopes for South Africa. In the upper area, narrow wavy lines enter in isolated groups with a sense of uncertainty. As they move lower down they gradually start integrating with the other elements until they form a cohesive unity.
The impression of landscape is created by using a design with strong horizontal emphasis and by the positioning of the colours, particularly the blue in the upper area.
Some Heaven Some Earth No 1 1996
Juried into Quilt National '99 and is in the book / catalogue “Quilt National '99 –The Best Contemporary Quilts (USA 1999 Lark Books).
Three ideas came together as my starting point : firstly, my desire to explore the use of sinuous, curved lines ( rather than shape ); secondly, thoughts of integration; and thirdly, to create an impression of landscape. The design is a metaphor of my hopes for South Africa. In the upper area, narrow wavy lines enter in isolated groups with a sense of uncertainty. As they move lower down they gradually start integrating with the other elements until they form a cohesive unity.
The impression of landscape was created by using a design with strong horizontal emphasis and by the positioning of the colours, particularly the blue in the upper area. This quilt was juried into Quilt National '99.
Commercial and hand-dyed cottons, silk, Machine pieced and quilted
Size: 110 x 145 cm
Some Heaven Some Earth No 2 1997
Commercial and hand-dyed cottons, silk Machine pieced and machine quilted
Size: 49 x 74 cm
Some Heaven Some Earth No 3 1998
Commercial and hand-dyed cotton, silk, machine pieced and quilted
Size: 75 x 106 cm
Hot Earth 1997

Commercial and hand-dyed cottons, silk Machine pieced and machine quilted
Size: 74 x 92 cm